Spanish culture, weather, traditions and a lot more

Posted: May 13,2023
Updated: July 8, 2023

In this section we’ll explore Spanish culture in a broad way. We’ll check the habits, traditions and events that are going on in the Costa del Sol – there is so much going on all the time, even more in summer! You’ll see why the Costa del Sol does not ‘die’ during the winter months, and what makes this such a great place to live.

We’ll also take a look at the countryside, a must if you are considering to live close to the Costa, but not at it – or even if you are considering an escape to a rural vacation. We’ll close with an overview of current matters and tips – things someone considering living in Spain should know. This section is a bit of everything, isn’t it? I believe there is still a lot more to come.

Spanish culture; weather in Spain; traditional events
A walk in the Passeo of Benalmádena. Photo by MamaMalaga

The Spanish way

For now, we’ll start by taking a close look at one of the famous traditions of Spain: la siesta. Is it true this happens until today? Yes, it is! Come and see how it works and how it affects everyday life, with a feel insights on how to deal with it – learned in practice.

Then we’ll go straight to another known trace of Spaniality: the mañana, mañana (tomorrow, tomorrow), which is a bit of an opinion article. I’ll share my two cents on why (I think) this way of doing business is the one Spaniards chose.

Have you ever heard or read that in Spain everything stops during la Siesta? If you did, let me confirm the notion…

When you book an appointment, quite often the person doesn’t come; then you call back and receive a “mañana, mañana”…

Traditional events

Let me tell you a bit about the Spanish holidays, so you don’t get caught by surprise and lose your trip to the bank. Save the time to check the beautiful and colorful street markets of the Costa, and still talking about surprises, join a romería (procession) – even if you are not religious; they are a celebration of the town as much (or even more) than they are religious events.

Each place in Spain has their own holidays calendar, but they all have the same number of days off. Do you know how?

The Romería de San Juan 2023 was a lot of fun. I was expecting a somber, slow celebration and… boy, I was wrong!

Street Market

The street markets are a beloved part of the Spanish culture, enjoyed by locals and tourists alike. In the Costa del Sol, they happen every day. Come and check where you can find the nearest one and what you can get there!

On that note, enjoy the amazing ferias of the Costa del Sol – big fairs that take over the towns for a week or so, following loosely a pre-existing calendar. There are attractions going on day and night, from funfairs to rap contests, and the cities look so beautiful, with special illumination and decoration, dressed up for the occasion. If you want to know even more about the ferias, join my family on our first experience in the Feria de Benalmádena (Benalmadena’s fair) for a closer look.

The Ferias are magical days in each Spanish town. It’s pure celebration and joy among friends and family.

Let me tell how this feria was bit by bit, so you know why you want to come to the next. It was hot, but it was so cool!

The weather in Spain

Moving on, we deal with the weather. I’ll describe how is the weather month by month and the kinds of clothes you can expect to need on any given month of the year, as well as what you can do around the Costa del Sol at that time.

Just when you realize the weather is great or at least good enough all year long, I’ll hit you with a bomb called Calima. Do you know what it is? If you don’t, you’ll be glad you were informed about it.

Is it worth going to the Costa del Sol in April? Whatabout October, what can I go swimming in the sea? Well, let’s check it month by month.

Calima is a weather phenomenon almost unique to Spain in its strength. Spain becomes Mars for a few days. It happens more often in…

The Spanish countryside

We will move out of the Costa del Sol and towards inland, to the countryside, to explore another angle of the Spanish life. One with even more traditions, many of which we see reflected in the urban Spain of today.

spanish countryside

It is so beautiful and yet, so different from the coast. The long stretches of green, the hills against the always permanent blue skies. And the flowers? Distant houses with olive patches, animals in the distance, fresh smell in the air. It is romantic. But there are downsides to it too. Check this review of Sabina Ostrowska‘s book to know more; and check her books to know it all 😉

Current matters

We discuss a situation that may cause some worries on a prospective mover – the fear that Spain is full of foreigners. Let me tell you already that it is not as full as one might think, and that even where there are many, they mostly join the lifestyle and add a sense of community far from home, so to speak. A case in point is Torremolinos, a fabulous town that started all we have in the Costa del Sol today, and which we explore up close in the neighborhoods of Torremolinos.

Would it be possible that, with so many foreigners around, Spain is becoming less… Spanish? Not at all. But let’s see what really happens.

Torremolinos is a great destination for vacation or for life. Here we see each of its neighborhoods so you can know the city.

Next, let me share with you how surprised I was (I am!) with the sports infrastructure the cities in Spain offer. From surf to golf, tennis, roller skate and soccer, you can choose your favorite activity, and take your kid too! To close, I share a few useful tips that you should know as soon as possible now if you live in Spain. I hope you enjoy reading this section about Spanish culture and can get some insights here. Let me know in the comments of the posts. 😉

The towns don’t brag about it, but they should. The offer of sport activities for both adults and kids is jaw dropping.

Emergency number, how to tip in a restaurant, when the summer time start – these and more you can find here!

Next: La Siesta