House hunting in Spain

House hunting, or looking for a place to live, is such a special time in our lives. Even more so when it is part of a dream coming true, when it is your place to live in Spain! Did you start looking for a place already? How many bedrooms? Sea view? Mountain view? Inland or on the coast? These are good questions to wonder about.

You can choose a place and even close the deal before moving, if you so decide, or you can leave it for after your arrival. On that topic, I’ll share a tip about how to better estimate the inclination of a street using google maps. After that, I’ll share my two cents on the matter of renting or buying and then, when and if you decide to buy a property – or even if you are simply curious about it – take a look at the property buying process, a description of how this is done in Spain from beginning to end. Next, I’ll share our experience finding our home in Spain and closing the deal.

Moving from the dream, I’ll discuss about the worst nightmare an owner of property in Spain can face: the okupas, while also talking about second properties and rentals in Spain. Closing on, we’ll see a bit of Spanish culture when it comes to the housing market. Come in, take a seat, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay!

Next: Pros and cons of buying vs renting before moving