Cars and driving around

Is it necessary to buy a car to live well in Spain? Well, depends on the person and on the area. Uber is not so expensive most of the times – from Benalmádena to Málaga it is about 20 euros – and by train it is less then two euros as of this writing. There is also a good supply of buses. On the other hand, the area in Benalmadena and Torremolinos is quite hilly, and the summer is quite strong, so there will be days when a 20 minutes walk can get extenuating. On top of that, coming back uphill from the supermarket, pushing a heavy stroller does not fit with the dream life any time of the year.

Me and Hubby both work from home and we live very close to Kiddo’s school. Despite of that, we still opted for buying a car for three main reasons: supermarkets, Kiddo’s sports classes and to drive to other cities, that would be a shame to miss. We have one car only.

If you consider buying a car too, check our impressions about the driver’s life in Spain on this group of posts. We’ll start by seeing how to buy a car on this land then gear up to talk a bit about how to exchange a foreign driver’s license to the Spanish one. We’ll park there a bit and I’ll share our adventures on how we did (not yet) get a Spanish driver’s license. Then we move on to see the specifics of driving around in the cities of the Costa del Sol and conclude with what to do if a car accident happens – all things we experienced in our first year of living the Spanish life.

Next: Buying a car in Spain

All posts on Cars and driving around

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