Spanish documents

As soon as you arrive in Spain you’ll have to deal with the local documentation, which will be important for everything in your new life. Check here easy guides on how to obtain the main documents. 😉  This will make your life so much easier!

Spanish nationality by residence

Spanish nationality by residence – a complete guide

I’m glad to inform we have official sources for everything regarding how to obtain Spanish nationality by residence...

find a good gestor - a man holding money

A foolproof method to find a good gestor

In this foolproof method to find a good gestor I will address a topic that keeps many a mover-to-be awake...

Spanish Healthcare

Spanish healthcare system, certificate and card

Obtaining the Spanish healthcare certificate is not difficult, as long as you can provide the required documentation, which is the...

How to exchange your driver’s license to a Spanish one

Ok, it’s time to exchange your driver’s license to a Spanish one – one more document to enjoy… if only....


Residence in Spain

After you have a start on your Spanish documents, you can sort out your Spanish residence permit. This will require...

A Town Hall, where the Padrón is done.

The Spanish Padrón – the difficult one

After the NIE, I believe the Padrón (short for empadronamiento, that means something like enrollment) is the document you’ll hear...

NIE documents

NIE documents

Congratulations, if you are here you are on your way to make your NIE. Now we will deal with the documents you will need to provide on that beautiful day...

Getting a NIE in Spain step-by-step

Getting a NIE in Spain is easy, as long as you know what to do. And I’ll tell you it...

All about the NIE

What is a NIE, how to get a NIE, who needs a NIE and more – solve all your NIE-related doubts here!

Booking a residence appointment for non-EU citizens

Booking a residence appointment for non-EU citizens

We have already seen the list of documents for non-EU citizens to request residence in Spain. So now, let’s move on to...

Spanish TIE - residence in Spain for non EU citizens

Residence in Spain – Documents and fee for non-EU citizens

Before we start booking the residence appointment, it is well worth checking the required documents and fee for non-EU citizens....

Booking a residence appointment for EU citizens

Booking a residence appointment for EU citizens

Booking a residence appointment for an EU citizen is easy, but notice that even as an EU citizen, you can...