Booking a residence appointment for EU citizens

December 22, 2022

Booking a residence appointment for an EU citizen is easy, but notice that even as an EU citizen, you can only stay legally in Spain without a residence permit for up to 90 days (except for some long term visas, of course). If this is your case, you should get your residence card soon. To do so, you’ll need an appointment with the police and a bunch of documents, that will be listed during the process of booking this appointment and that you should do before really booking it. Check the page about documents and fee for EU citizens if you haven’t done it yet.

To start booking, access the same website we used to get the NIE, as this service is also done by the police, Choose the province where you live and press Aceptar (accept).

Then choose the service “Policía-certificado de registro de ciudadano de la U.E.”, (Police – certificate of registration of an EU citizen) as shown in the picture below.

Press Aceptar (accept). The following page will pop:

Booking a residence appointment for an EU citizen

I assume you have already checked the page about documents and fee for EU citizens, that deals with these two links; if not, stop and check, as the first link above has the list of documents that need to be presented when requesting a residence permit. You should not proceed with your booking before you have them, because you may not get the documents done before the appointment date. Here, though, we will move on to complete the booking, assuming you already got your documents. So click entrar (enter).

Next comes the page that ask for your documents and full name. Fill them.

And click acceptar (accept).

The next page allows you to ask for a time; all you need to do is press Solicitar cita (ask for an appointment).

Next comes the moment to choose where, meaning in which police office, you want to book your appointment. Choose the one that is more convenient to you and click Siguiente (next).

The following page will request your phone and e-mail. We are almost done! Just fill and press Seguiente (next).

You can now choose, just like with the NIE, one of the three appointments offered. Choose and press seguiente (next).

After this point there will be the confirmation page. When you confirm you may receive a message on your phone and have to put this information on the request for it to be final. Keep the Justificante (proof) with you, as this is what proves that you are booked for that place and time, as you won’t be allowed in without it. Voilá, you are fully booked to have your residence permit!

Next: Residence – Documents and fee for non-EU citizens

2 thoughts on “Booking a residence appointment for EU citizens

  1. Thank you for such helpful and detailed information. If only getting the site to give appointments was so easy.!!! I have bern trying for weeks but all I get is no appointments availabile.

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