Weather in March in the Costa del Sol + so much more!

February 11, 2024
Last updated on March 30, 2024
Weather in March in the Costa del Sol

The weather in March in the Costa del Sol is lovely. Spring is starting, the temperature is rising, plants are getting greener and the flowers – that never really stopped blooming – are now everywhere. Walking around is a delight to the senses; to make it even better, in 2024 we will also have the Holy Week in the end of the month, so there are even more reasons to come visit the Costa del Sol this month!

Questions and answers

How is the weather in March in the Costa del Sol?

In March, the average high temperatures range from 18oC to 20oC, and happen between 14:00h and 16:00h; the average lows are around 10oC, in the early morning, around 7:00h. Therefore, as per the historic record, you can expect mild temperatures in the morning, but somewhat warm weather in the afternoons and evenings. As a matter of fact, the graph below shows how, in 2023, the actual highest temperatures where a lot warmer than the average. Assuming this is a new tendency brought in by climate change, the expectation is that March 2024 will see higher than historic average temperatures as well.

The temperatures are nice, but you should also consider the wind and the possibility of rain. In the Costa del Sol, it can get very windy, any time of the day (but more in the evening); and it tends to rain a bit. Bring a small umbrella, plan the clothes (and hair holders) you’ll bring accordingly. Another weather-related phenomenon we can have in March is Calima, which happens when the wind brings some Saharan sand, leaving the skies orange. 🙂 It is uncommon and doesn’t last much (a day or a few). But it is worrisome, because the sand in suspension can aggravate respiratory problems, even more when combined with spring pollen.

Weather in March in the Costa del Sol
Accuweather graphic for the temperatures in Malaga in March 2023.

Weather-related data for March in Malaga (data from Weather2travel):
🏊 sea temperature: +15oC
🌅 Sunrise times: 07:48 (Mar 1) – 08:05* (Mar 31)
🌙 Sunset times: 19:12 (Mar 1) – 20:39* (Mar 31)
🌼 Average number of daylight hours: 12
☀️ Average number of sunshine hours per day: 7

* Note that the daylight saving (summer time) starts on the last weekend of March. Precisely at 02:00 a.m. from Sunday, clocks jump straight to 03:00 a.m.

The weather information above is all for Malaga (city), but as the towns are so close together, you can extend this information to the surrounding areas as well. Torremolinos, Benalmadena, Fuengirola, Mijas, Marbella and Estepona, as well as Rincón de la Victoria, Torrox and Nerja, should not differ much.

What clothes to pack in March?

Tricky question, as that depends a bit on your habits. Do you intend to wake up early in the morning (say, around 6:00 a.m.) to go for a walk? If yes, bring a warm coat suitable for temperatures around 10oC. If not, you can pack a bit lighter; a light coat may be enough even for the beginning of the night (up to midnight).

Weather in March in the Costa del Sol
For reference, what I mean by warm coat, on the left; light coat, on the right.

For going out in the afternoon, you may feel comfy in a T-shirt or something similar; T-shirts are always good because you can wear them at home anyways. Tennis shoes are also always ‘in’, because, remember, much of the Costa del Sol is hilly. But at this time, if you intend to go to the beach, you can already bring some shorts and sandals as well! And don’t forget the sunscreen. 😉


Officially, Spain has only one holiday in March 2024, the Holy Friday, on the 29th. Malaga province also has the 28th as a holiday; in practice, though, the whole Holy Week, from March 24 to March 31 this year, is somewhat a holiday week, and there is a chance commerce will be closed. Schools will be off, which, in itself, increase the chances of everything else closing. It’s better to check restaurants, banks and supermarkets for if or when they will be open from Monday (March 25) to Wednesday (March 27).

With all the religious activities going on in every town plus the kids at home, what usually happens is a whole week with closed commerce, other than those establishments focused on tourism. On top of that, Holy Week is considered high season in the Costa del Sol – the weather is usually already reasonable for Spaniards living elsewhere, that also have a week off, to travel to the Costa and enjoy the sun. Expect August prices in vacation rentals and attractions if you are coming that week. The rest of March is low season.

Other notable dates in March are Woman’s Day (día de la mujer), on March 8, and father’s day, on March 19.

Related post:
Malaga holidays 2024

Foods of the Month

The period between Carnival and Easter is known as Lent (cuaresma) among Christians. Traditionally, Christians should not eat red meat during these days, so it is no surprise that sea food dishes take the spot. Bacalao (cod) is present in both buñuelos de bacalao (cod fritters) and in Bacalao ajoarriero, a sort of cod stew; Shrimp pies are also popular, but perhaps not as much as the sopa de ajo (a delicious vegetarian garlic soup with olive oil and bread).

Sweets are also in high demand. Chocolate comes to mind (well, it is always there), specifically on egg or bunny shapes, on Easter. Typical Spanish foods for the period include the Monas de Pascua, a cake that resembles the Roscón de Reyes of January and the Torrijas, a kind of sweet toast prepared with cinnamon.


Events are celebrations, fairs, exhibitions, parades or parties organized, in part or in total, by the local government of the towns of the Costa del Sol. They are usually great and very much worth checking if you are around. The only downside is that the towns tend to publish their programs very close to the event’s date; like two weeks before, often less. Therefore, much of what I can publish ahead is based on what usually happens; confirmed events or dates are only possible about a week or so before the events. So, if you are coming in March 2024, bookmark this post, as I’ll be updating it often, every time I get some new information. 😉

Feria Sabor a Málaga

Now that is a good start of the month! Not only it is a fair (feria) but it is a food fair, where local producers showcase their best products, in a festive environment, with live music, perhaps some tasting and cooking workshops!!!

Are you already salivating? I am! It will happen in Torremolinos, from Thursday, February 29 till Sunday, March 3, (if I don’t eat it all on the first day) in the Avenida Palma de Mallorca. From 11:00 am to 10:00 pm on the first 3 days and from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm on Sunday, the last day of the event.

Weather in March in the Costa del Sol - Torremolinos Sabor a Málaga

A few pictures of the event:

Sabor a Málaga is a traditional fair that happens every few months, in different cities of the Costa del Sol (and possibly beyond). It is a collective display of regional products made by local farmers and families, showing to the public and to possible distributors some of the best fruits of traditional work. If you are around Torremolinos, it is worth visiting. Enjoy the opportunity to taste authentic Malaga flavors!

Related post:
Sabor a Málaga

27th Festival de Malaga

Malaga’s cinema festival is happening from March 1 to March 10. The festival celebrates national productions, be they movies, short movies or series. The productions are in Spanish; some of them have the VOSE symbol, which stands for Versión Original Subtitulada en Español (original version with Spanish subtitles); in this case, Spanish with Spanish subtitles. If that is not a barrier, it is a great opportunity to watch Spanish stories, centered in different parts of the country.

Spanish dramaturgy is original and very different from the mainstream US movies. Spanish stories are often slightly surreal and tend to center more in the relationship between the characters, with humor and lightweight. If you are interested, Netflix has several Spanish productions, the most famous being Money Heist (La Casa de Papel). Check also Spanish Affair (Ocho Apellidos Vascos) and any other production with Dani Rovira (which, incidentally, happens to be from Malaga!)

St. David’s Day

The Welsh Society will host 2 events in honor of St. David’s Day in Benalmadena. The first is going to be on March 1st, from 1 to 9 pm (8 hours!!) in the Plaza de la Mesquita; the second, a choir presentation in the Casa de la Cultura, on March 4th at 7:30 pm, in the Avenida de la Constitución. Both events will happen in Arroyo de la Miel.

Weather in March in the Costa del Sol
Weather in March in the Costa del Sol

Above, the Plaza de la Mesquita.

Andalusian Folklore in the Puerto de Benalmadena

On March 2, the Puerto de Benalmadena (in the Marina of Benalmadena) will have a day of Andalusian Folklore, in a day with concerts by Los Voluble, García Picasso and Carmen Xía. In addition, there will a craftsmarket and a large cajoneada (see one in the video below). The Facebook page of the Puerto de Benalmadena informed that it starts at noon. 😉

Weather in March in the Costa del Sol

Women’s Day

The towns of the Costa del Sol are celebrating Women’s Day with month-long programs. Much of the events are focused on lectures or workshops (both in Spanish only), or in reinforcing the need for equality in the workplace and for the end of domestic violence. These are not party-like events, obviously. Here are the programs for Fuengirola, Benalmadena and Torremolinos (you can click each to see it bigger).

sources: Fuengirola, Benalmadena, Torremolinos

Estepona, Mijas and Marbella also have plans to observe the date, though they didn’t publish programs (as far as I know). Clicking on the name of each town will take you to the page (in Spanish) where their plans for Women’s day is published.

Celtic Folklore in the Puerto de Benalmadena

Celtic Folklore will take the stage on March 16 as part of the commemorations of Saint Patrick’s Day. There will be a craftsmarket, from noon to 8:00 pm, typical Celtic dances, from noon to 5:00 pm and a performance by Uphoria, U2 tribute group, at 6:00 pm.

Weather in March in the Costa del Sol

I visited the Folklore Celtas, and it was lot of fun! Below, a few pictures of the event (click to enlerge) and a video of Uphoria, which did a great U2 cover (and the singer looks like Bono!):

Rocking Ladies

On March 16, Torremolinos will host a Jam session and open a photo exposition about women in Rock. More specifically, this is part of a project of the association Rocking Ladies, which aims to bring attention to women in professions historically associated with men, breaking stereotypes. The event will happen in the Centro Cultural Pablo Ruiz Picasso, in Torremolinos.

Weather in March in the Costa del Sol

Saint Patrick’s Day

There are several Irish communities in the Costa del Sol, and every year there are parades or other St. Patrick’s celebrations on March 17. The Irish Association of Spain usually organizes a mass, a parade and live music in Benalmadena’s Arroyo de la Miel; which will happen from 1 pm to 7 pm in The Plaza de la Mesquita on March 17, 2024.

The Irish pubs of the Costa are planning events too, with lots of Guinness!

Weather in March in the Costa del Sol

A few pictures of the plaza de la Mezquita on San Patrick’s Day:

Family and Father’s Day in Torremolinos

On March 23, Torremolinos will celebrate Family and Father’s Day with a party for kids and parents in the Parque Jardín Diamatino (close to the border with Benalmadena). There will be face painting and a Rock concert for kids. 🙂

Weather in March in the Costa del Sol

Doujin Market in Fuengirola

Fuengirola will have its 4th Doujin Market on March 23, from 10:00 am to 11 pm, in the Caseta de la Juventud, in the fairgrounds. The event, suggested by young Fuengirola citizens, will have areas dedicated to video games, illustration workshops and expositions, as well as Korean culture (K-pop).

Jazz in Fuengirola

Also in Fuengirola and also on March 23, there will be Inoidel Jazz Latin Group, a Jazz and Latin rythms mix show by the Cuban saxophonist Inoidel González and his group, which includes drums, piano, voice and double bass.

The energetic event will happen at 08:30 pm, in the Palácio de la Paz, in the Recinto Ferial of Fuengirola.

Japanese Folklore Day in the Puerto de Benalmadena

On March 23, a Japanese Folklore Day will take place in the Puerto de Benalmadena (see location under Celtic Folklore), with a crafts market from noon till 08:00 pm and the following activities (for free!):

12:00 (noon) – Japanese storytelling: Kamishibai
12:30 pm – Japanese traditional dance presentation
01:00 pm – Cook workshop: Okonomiyaki
01:45 pm – Guess the Japanese ingredient contest
02:30 pm – Tea ceremony
03:00 pm – Traditional dance workshop: Bon Odori
04:00 pm – Cook workshop: Kare Raisu
05:00 pm – Concert: Anime Kero
06:00 pm – Trivia: How much do you know about Japan?
07:00 pm – Japanese traditional dance presentation
07:30 pm – DJ session Rayman DJ

Holy Week in the Costa del Sol

The main events in the Costa del Sol this March 2024 are related to the Holy Week, from March 24 to 31. The Holy Week in Spain is celebrated solemnly, with processions of religious brotherhoods carrying large and heavy thrones on the shoulders along a band playing ceremonial rites. It is a beautiful and profound spiritual occasion.

Holy Week is celebrated in every city in the Costa. For a lot more about these processions and the traditions associated, check our post dedicated to the Holy Week and Easter. 😉 And if you speak Spanish, don’t miss this activity: Tour de la Semana Santa en Málaga, which visit brotherhoods and churches of the center of Malaga, telling the stories of the Holy Week in the city while showing religious art and sculpture.

Related posts:
Holy Week and Easter in the Costa del Sol

Holy Week in Benalmadena 2024
Holy Week in Fuengirola 2024

Weather in March in the Costa del Sol
Nazarenes of the Cautivo Malaga Brotherhood.

II Photographic Exhibition of El Paso

Every year, during Holy Week, the processions in the Costa del Sol relive the stories of the Passion of Jesus (El Paso, the final days of Jesus’ life and his resurrection). Benalmádena goes a step further and, besides the processions, reenacts the whole story, with local actors and (maybe a hundred?) residents of the town, in a park dedicated to it! In 2024, Benalmadena also has a photographic exhibition of the El Paso reenactment of past years. It will happen from March 20 to April 15, from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, in the Hotel La Fonda, in Benalmadena Pueblo, and entrance is free of charge.

To know more about 2024’s El Paso in Benalmadena, check the program for Holy Week in Benalmadena; to know more about and see pictures of the location, check this post that includes the Parque Retamar. And to know directions to the Photographic Exhibition, see below!

Plants Fair

This March we’ll also have the 17th Plants Fair in Benalmadena, in Parque La Paloma. In this lovely fair, plant collectors and nursery gardens gather to show and offer some of their greatest pieces, surrounded by the very pleasing ambiance of the park. If you like plants, it is the best place to be.

Plants Fair times in 2024:
Friday, March 29: from 10:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 30: from 10:00 a.m to 08:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 31: from 10:00 a.m to 02:00 pm

Weather in March in the Costa del Sol

Activities in March in the Costa del Sol

Music and ballet under candlelight

For a cozy evening, how about music or ballet surrounded by candlelight? Join fellow fans on a Tribute to Queen to chant “We Are The Champions” and stomp your feet to the iconic beat of “We Will Rock You.” So, “Don’t Stop Me Now” as you pedal through the exhilarating “Bicycle Race” of Queen’s greatest hits, and just for a moment, let yourself dream of “Who Wants To Live Forever” in this unforgettable musical journey performed by a string quartet.

You may also delight yourself watching a duo perform the equally iconic Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake; when in doubt, watch both!

Food & drink experiences

Malaga has 3 interesting food & drinks experiences, and I think you may like at least one of them – if not all! You can have a pub crawl night out, and maybe even make new friends while at it; or you can learn from the masters in a Paella cooking class – and up your game forever in the kitchen – or follow your guide through Málaga’s pretty Old Town and beat the queues in the city’s eateries with your skip-the-line ticket, while learning the art of pairing Iberian Peninsula wines with regional tapas specialties. Food is culture!

Thrilling and mysterious explorations

How about getting to know Marbella in a different way, while at the same time trying to apprehend Magnus and retrieving the stollen formulas… the Syndicate City Escape Game takes you around the town at your own pace, so you can have extra fun while sightseeing (families with big kids and/or teenagers that don’t enjoy sightseeing, I included this specially for you!)

If you want more mystery in your trip, you can solve the murder of fashion designer Rosalía Martínez in the Automobile and Fashion Museum in Malaga. She dies there about once a week, poor Rosalía. And turns out everyone she knows has a reason to want to get her killed!

But if it is Malaga you want to explore, why not hunt for treasure while at it? In this Guided Treasure Hunt you’ll use a GPS (provided by the organizer) to find clues in 10 different historic points of the city, and a treasure at the end!

Adventures in March in the Costa del Sol

The Costa del Sol really has all kinds of adventures! Do you wonder if there is a safari-like adventure around the Costa? oh, well, there is! It is a walking kind of Safari, though, but with plenty of adventures along the way and animals from many parts of the world. It is the Selwo Aventura, a place that is more than a zoo, with its hanging bridges, lakes, trampolines and even a zip line! Particularly good for families with kids, not so good for families with elders, as the area is hilly. Excellent for March, as the weather allows for time in the sun!

If you enjoy Selwo Aventura, I think you will enjoy the Crocodile Park in Torremolinos too. It is the only Crocodile Park in Europe! Compared to Selwo, the Crocodile Park takes less time to visit, it is easy to walk around as well as being close to the town itself. Did you know that a croc can reach up to 600 kg?

Outside of the animal kingdom, more adventures await for you in March in the Costa del Sol. Or not so outside, as on the top of Mount Calamorro, which can be reached by the iconic, one and only Cable Car of the Costa (pride and joy of Benalmadena), there is actually a falconry display. But the display happens only a few times per day, so, if you want to watch, make sure to book your time accordingly. 😉 Even without the falcons, eagles and other birds of prey, the view from the top is unbelievable. A must!

Finally, if these were not adventure enough – safari animals, crocodiles, cable car – let’s add a Canyoning tour to the mix! Yeah, your adrenaline will pump this March! In the Canyoning Tour in Guadalmina, you don’t need to worry about Neoprene suits, helmet or rappelling equipment – the organizers of this activity have it all for their guests. The groups depart from Benahavis, close to Marbella, all the way to Guadalmina Canyon, where they climb, rappel and even walk to the top. After reaching it, you don’t need to jump, but I think you’ll want to!

For Hen parties

But not only for hen parties. Any group is welcome to try these interesting experiences. To have the luxury of a private boat rental with a skipper (no, hens, not a stripper!) you’d need a 10 people group. Sailing with friends across the waters of the coast of Fuengirola makes any trip memorable, don’t you think?

Exploring further

If you want to take your explorations a bit further, there are two day trips that are highly valued in the area; the visits to Gibraltar and to El Caminito del Rey. Gibraltar is particularly dear to UK citizens, as they get to see a bit of the Great Britain in the sun, so to speak. The day trip to Gibraltar and dolphin boat tour adds the dolphins to the experience. Boat guides of the Costa del Sol know where dolphins tend to stay in the area, so the boats get to Gibraltar doing a small detour to try to find the cute aquatic mamals.

On the land side of exploring beyond the Costa del Sol, El Caminito del Rey is a very traditional and beloved trip, in which visitors cross a gorge close to El Chorro (a Malaga village). The views are breathtaking.


March in the Costa del Sol means colorful flowers against a deep blue sky. The weather in March is just perfect to explore the area, and to sit comfortably to have a meal under a shadow watching the sea come and go. It is also perfect to explore the towns, the surroundings and the adventures they have in store! Just come and enjoy! 🙂

Next: The best of April in the Costa del Sol

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