Mijas Pueblo Fair 2024

The Mijas Pueblo Fair (Feria de Mijas Pueblo) will happen in 2024 from September 03 to 09. This traditional event will be celebrated in the traditional way: with plenty of shows, music, dance, parades, processions, funfair… and a few inflatable bulls!
Mijas’ Town Hall has published the program of the Feria de Mijas Pueblo 2024 (Mijas Pueblo Fair 2024), in Spanish, whose cover you see above. In this post, you’ll find a translated version of the program, detailed locations of the events, and snapshots of the original program pages. Get ready to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Mijas Pueblo Fair! Don’t forget to bookmark this page so you can access it easily on the days of the Feria. Clicking on the topics and dates in the Table of Contents below takes you directly to that part of the post.
Program and Locations of the Mijas Pueblo Fair 2024
Different from La Cala de Mijas and Las Lagunas, Mijas Pueblo does not have a fairground (Recinto Ferial). Despite of that, the program does not specify clearly where the activities will take place. This same problem happened with last year’s program; back then I contacted the Ayuntamiento de Mijas to clarify this point – and got a clear answer! Given that this year the program also doesn’t mention the locations, I’m thinking that every year the activities happen in the same places, and that the Town Hall is so used to it they fail to see how it could be confusing for those going to the Feria de Mijas Pueblo for the first time.
Day Fair Location
Based on last year’s information, the Day Fair (Feria de Día) should happen in the area known as Muralla de Mijas Pueblo, or Walls of Mijas Pueblo. This is the area (shown below) that includes the Immaculate Conception Parish (Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción), where the religious celebrations of the fair will take place; the Bullring (Plaza de Toros de Mijas), the Municipal Auditorium (Auditorio Municipal Miguel Gonzáles Berral) and the magnificent Botanical Park of Mijas (Parque Botánico de la Muralla) as well as a few squares and fountains. It is surrounded by the Paseo de la Muralla, or wall promenade.
The whole area of the Walls of Mijas Pueblo is delightful and well worth a visit even without the fair; on fair days, it gets extra decorations! Don’t miss the opportunity to see it. For a glimpse of the area on ‘normal’ days, check our post about The Beauty of Mijas Pueblo – as if it was normal to be this beautiful!
Municipal Booth location
The Municipal Booth is where most nighttime attractions of the Mijas Pueblo Fair 2024 will take place. The Municipal Booth itself will be installed in the Plaza Virgen de la Penã, or Virgen de la Peña Square (see below). Across this square there is the tourist information center (you’d have to zoom the image a bit to see the name, Oficina de Turismo), that is sided by the Ayuntamiento de Mijas (Mijas Town Hall), from where the bigheads’ parade will depart during the Fair. The main bus stop that connects Mijas Pueblo with the surrounding towns is right by the Town Hall.
In the image above we can also see the Avenida del Compás and the Ermita de La Virgen de la Peña, or Hermitage of the Virgen de la Peña, one of the postcards of Mijas. Both places will host events during the Mijas Pueblo Fair 2024.
And now, let’s see the translation of the program!
September 3 – Tuesday
08:00 pm – Inauguration of the ornamental dome
of the Virgen De La Peña Young Group on Avenida del Compás.
September 4 – Wednesday
Special Children’s Day
All attractions at the fair ground dedicated to children will have a price of 2.50 euros. During the fair, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, the sounds of the attractions area will be eliminated so that children with special needs can enjoy the fair without acoustic barriers.
05:30 pm – Registration
of boys and girls to participate in the Parade of Giants and Bigheads at the Town Hall.
06:30 pm – Parade of giants and bigheads
departing from the Town Hall.
09:00 pm – Novena at the Immaculate Conception Parish
novena to our patron saint, the blessed Virgin of la Peña.
At the Municipal Booth:
10:00 pm – Inauguration of the fair ground and lighting up.
10:30 pm – Dance Performance
by the dance groups of the UP, by professors Remedios Fernández and Víctor Rojas.
11:30 pm – Presentation of the candidates
for Queen, King, Ladies and Companions of the Mijas Pueblo Fair 2024.
01:00 am – Show by Marta Santos.
September 5 – Thursday
Day Fair:
02:00 pm – Inauguration of the Day Fair
in the Muralla de Mijas Pueblo.
02:00 pm – Show by Kalima.
05:30 pm – Show by Maniacos.
08:00 pm – Closing of the Day Fair.
09:00 pm – Novena at the Immaculate Conception Parish
novena to our patron saint, the blessed Virgin of la Peña.
At the Municipal Booth:
09:00 pm – Dinner tribute to our elderly
The elderly will be offered a sangria cocktail, as well as received by the Board of Celebrations and the Municipal Corporation. During the dinner, the grandfather and grandmother of the Mijas Pueblo Fair 2024 will be presented. The dinner will be offered to all seniors who, upon registration at the Municipal Department of Seniors, have taken their invitation.
11:00 pm – Show by ‘La Caletera’.
00:30 am – Show by Manuel Orta.
September 6 – Friday
Day Fair:
02:00 pm – Opening of the fair
in the Muralla de Mijas Pueblo.
02:00 pm – Show by Trenzao.
05:30 pm – Show by Alejados.
From 04:00 pm to 08:00 pm – Playroom services.
08:00 pm – closing of the Day Fair.
09:00 pm – Novena at the Immaculate Conception Parish
novena to our patron saint, the blessed Virgin of la Peña.
At the Municipal Booth:
08:00 pm – Children’s King and Queen Competition with animation
Children will be able to register in the draw for the election of the King and Queen of the Mijas Fair, in the categories Children and Baby starting at 8 pm, with the opening of the doors of the Municipal Booth and up to half an hour before the start of the election.
09:00 pm – Children’s performance.
10:00 pm – Raffle and coronation of the Children’s King and Queen
The winner must be present during the draw; otherwise, the draw will be repeated.
11:00 pm – Show by Rebujitos.
01:30 am – Show by Los Tumbaos.
September 7 – Saturday
10:00 am – Chess tournament.
11:00 am – Bike ride.
Noon – General ringing of bells
announcing the festivity of the Holy Virgin of la Peña.
Day Fair:
02:00 pm – Inauguration of the Day Fair
in the Muralla de Mijas Pueblo.
02:00 pm – Show by MR Proper.
05:30 pm – Show by Callejón.
From 04:00 pm to 08:00 pm – Playroom services.
From 05:00 pm to 08:00 pm – Inflatables.
08:00 pm – Closing of the Day Fair.
09:00 pm – Novena at the Immaculate Conception Parish
novena to our patron saint, the blessed Virgin of la Peña.
At the Municipal Booth:
From 9:30 pm to 00:30 am – Fun and free video booth
to take your souvenir of the Feria de Mijas Pueblo 2024. Courtesy of the Festivities and Traditions Delegation of the Mijas City Council.
10:00 pm – La Loka On Tour Show
with performances by Melody, Sara de las Chuches and Rasel
September 8 – Sunday
11:30 am – Solemn religious function
in honor of our patroness, the Virgen de la Peña in the Immaculate Conception Church.
Day Fair:
01:00 pm – Inauguration of the Day Fair
in the Muralla de Mijas Pueblo.
01:00 pm – Show by Repicando.
04:00 pm – Show by Indiana.
06:00 pm – Closing of the Day Fair.
06:00 pm – Parade of music bands
Las Lagunas Musical Group and The Mijas Music Band will participate in the parade.
Route: Town Hall, Avenida de Méjico, Calle Málaga, Plaza de la Libertad, Plaza de la Constitución, Cuesta de la Villa and Parish of the Immaculate Conception.

09:30 pm – Solemn procession of the sacred image of the Holy Virgin of la Peña.
Route: Muralla (wall), Cuesta de la Villa, Plaza de la Constitución, Avenida del Compás, Calle los Caños, Plaza de la Libertad, Calle Carril, Calle Coín, Barrio Santana.

Return route: Barrio Santana, Calle Coín, Calle Muro, Plaza de la Constitución, Avenida del Compás and Hermitage of the Virgen de la Peña.

Upon arrival at Avenida del Compás, a salve will be sung to the Virgen de la Peña offered by the Mijas City Council to the patroness. With Save the Virgin Orchestra.
At the Municipal Booth:
01:00 am – Show by Ziryab
Andalusian Rock Tribute
September 9 – Monday
Day Fair:
02:00 pm – Inauguration of the Day Fair
in the Muralla de Mijas Pueblo.
02:00 pm -Show by Olivetti.
05:00 pm – Drinks with chocolate
courtesy of the Festivities Delegation.
05:30 pm – Show by A Compás.
06:00 pm – Election of the Marchoso and the Marchosa of the Day Fair.
08:00 pm – Closing of the Day Fair.
07:00 pm – Encierro de Toritos
departure from Cañada de Gertrudis.
Encierro de Toros literally means confinement of bulls. It usually refers to those bulls that are released in the streets, so that people run from them, like in Pamplona. Here, it is Toritos (little bulls) instead of Toros – by which they mean inflatable bulls. Phew!

Above: Cañada de Gertrudis Street
At the Municipal Booth:
09:00 pm – Show by the dance groups of the UP
by teacher Juan Jesús Leiva.
10:00 pm – Show by Arcángel.
11:30 pm – Show by Israel Fernández.
How to get to the Mijas Pueblo Fair by bus
From Malaga: bus line 112
From Benalmadena or Torremolinos: bus lines 112 and 121
From Fuengirola: 122, 221 or 222
As far as I know, there are no direct bus lines from other coastal towns; even from other parts of Mijas, one should first get to Fuengirola! There is also no train to Mijas. To see all the possibilities of transportation, check the ‘Directions’ link on the Google Maps displayed under Program and Locations, at the beginning of this post.
Mijas Pueblo is adorable and completely worth a visit any day of the year; during the fair, though, it reaches cuteness peak. You can count on flowers on pots on white walls, well-trimmed gardens, beautiful days, happy people and plenty of fun. Enjoy!