About Mama Málaga

We are a family of 3 – Mama (Rosana), Hubby and Kiddo – living in Spain. None of us is Spanish; we decided we needed to move and ditch the previous work-devoted life, full of late nights (for Hubby) and frequent relocations (for me) when Kiddo was born. We started to save money and to think of how, where and when we would go, and ended up opting for the south of Spain, for it’s outstanding combination of culture, quality food, entertainment, great weather, great medical services and schools and relatively low cost of life. When we came, in January 2022, Kiddo was already 7 years old.
During our preparation, a lot of doubts appeared and some we couldn’t solve on-line. I (Rosana) made it my mission, then, to display as much information as possible about moving to Spain to easy the path of others with the same itchy. In the years previous to the move I became an expert in everything I could find on-line to prepare, but I learnt a lot more going through the experience and solving all issues one by one. After we arrived, I started writing them down and sharing them on this blog.
Coming to Spain was a good choice. We now live and enjoy the Spanish life style, the playgrounds and the slow pace of Benalmadena, a small town on the beautiful Costa del Sol, easily connected to Malaga. We discover more everyday and these are mostly positive finds, that makes us enjoy this place even more. Kiddo loves his school and we all love our new home.
If you want to know more, check the interview I gave to Mapping Spain, a fellow site about this beautiful country! I also added a post below, to celebrate the 1st year of the site and to talk a bit about behind the scenes. 😉
And if you want to share your experience, suggest a post or do something together, please send me an e-mail!